1.1 - Get Set Up
Before we can program, we need the proper setup - especially while we're learning.
These days you have two options for programming:
1. Code locally - on your computer
This requires some setup. A demonstration is given in class but click here to get the instructions.
2. Code remotely ("in the cloud") instead of on your computer
You can also code in a browser window, thanks to GitHub Codespaces. It is a great backup option, but slightly less convenient (believe it or not).
After Installing VSCode:
Once you've completed your setup, we are going to go over a few things as a class:
Checkout the VSCode interface
Install some needed (or useful) VSCode extensions
Get to know the VSCode interface and how it all works
In Our Upcoming Classes We Will:
Learn how to create and organize files and folders in VSCode
Configure Git and connect our GitHub account
Learn how to grab an assignment from Mr. Brash
Learn how to back it up online (or submit it)
Compare coding an assignment locally vs remotely
Create our first webpage!