2.4 - Nested Loops


We utilize scope blocks (curly braces) to {contain code}. This means that every time you use curly braces, you can use any code inside them that you want.

if (x > 10) {

  if (stop == 0) {

    while (x > stop) {

      if (x % 2 == 0) {







Nested Loops

We have seen that you can "nest" if-statements:

 if (paused == false) {

   // Get player movement

   move = getKeyPress();

   if (move == RIGHT) {

     // Move the player to the right



What happens when we put a loop inside another loop?

Nested Loops...

for (let y = 0; y < 10; y++) {

   let x = y + 1;

   let output = "";

   while (x > 0) {

     output += "🎃 ";





Nested Loops Mini Task