1.7 - Return


The Return Statement    (slides are here)  (interactive video of the lesson is here!)

It's extremely convenient to pass arguments as parameters to a function:

let x = Math.pow(3, 6);
console.log("3^6 is", x);

Q. How is Math.pow() giving an answer back?

Functions are not just a one-way process. They can return a value back for further processing. Let's recreate the Math.pow() function using the newly created double-star shortcut.

function pow(base, exponent) {
  // The math is simple enough
  let answer = base**exponent;



But that prints the answer to the console. Boring!
We want the answer back so we can use it.

That's where the statement return comes in.

function pow(base, exponent) {
  let answer = base**exponent;

  // Give the answer back to the caller
  return answer;


Example: Using our new function

let example = pow(2, 3);
console.log(example);      // Prints 8
console.log(pow(5, 4));    // Prints 625
console.log(pow(pow(2, 3), 2)); // Prints 64 

Your Task

Return statements are easy to practice. Let's create lots of functions in the Replit project for the lesson.